One thing the future of every organisation depends on.

By Nathan Keehan

Seven Word Summary: Influence the future through integrated, creative communications.

At Seven Patterns, we practice what we preach.

Our team is committed to a continual process of improvement — refining the focus of our organisation, to better serve yours.

That’s why we undertook a collaborative process, sparking valuable learnings and important lessons for any leader, and leading us to three core components — with one thing critical to the future of every organisation.


There is untapped potential in every person and every organisation.

Just as natural resources are virtually limitless, so too is your creativity.

Creativity derives from the seven patterns that we all see and experience in nature, inspiring us to create, innovate, and collaborate — everyday.

In fact, the name Seven Patterns derives from the seven naturally occurring patterns that surround us.

We are refining our focus to better help the companies that use these natural resources as a cornerstone of the Australian economy.

We are passionate about promoting the booming industries that underpin WA's social and economic activity and supporting them to create a sustainable future for our region.

Creativity unlocks competitive advantage, and there is more to be found.


The most successful organisations are those that exist to solve problems.

We’ve discovered that organisations often experience the same pain points, such as:

  1. Communicating with stakeholders at the right time, in the right way, with the right message — and nowadays, through the right channels.

  2. When the core focus is on project success, joining the dots through integrated communications is too often a time-sapping after thought.

  3. Finding or even funding specialists in-house to craft strategy and tactically execute on integrated and impactful communications lands in the too-hard basket.

If the above is true for most organisations, perhaps goals, growth, and greatness can be found in the underestimated power of communication?

As George Bernard Shaw, the Nobel Prize-winning playwright said:

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”

Your organisation matters, hence your communication matters.


The best definition for leadership is influence.

No matter your market share, market cap, or market position — your organisation should aspire to lead, and lead by influence.

We’ve discovered that most organisations are influencing someone or something, but not always for the right reasons. When influence is for good, everyone wins.

  1. Influence For Good can look like building an organisation with a future focus, ensuring a sustainable operating model for longevity.

  2. Influence For Good can look like Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or Environmental Social Governance (ESG) initiatives.

  3. Influence For Good can look like mapping out pathways to progress and strategising to get there.

The future matters, hence your organisation should influence it — for good.


All that to say…

There is one thing the future of every organisation depends on.

Delivering on your vision and strategy is impossible without this single imperative: communication.

Every organisation communicates — not all do it effectively.

Former US President, Gerald R. Ford once said:

“Nothing in life is more important than the ability to communicate effectively.”

Be it clients, teams, investors, government, the media, or other — your ability to engage and influence stakeholders depends on effective communication.

And today’s economy calls for communication that creates influence.

Welcome to communication that creates influence.

As we look to the future of Seven Patterns, we do so with a refined focus — to better serve your organisation.

We are building on core values of integrity, authenticity, reliability, authority, and creativity, and an enduring commitment to creating influence for good.

We are on mission — helping growth-minded organisations to engage and influence stakeholders through integrated communications.

In doing so, we will continue to see people thrive, for the betterment of organisations, industries, and communities.

We believe this to be influence for good.

About Nathan Keehan

Nathan Keehan is the Founder and Managing Director of Seven Patterns.

His experience spans startups through to listed companies, government at all levels, and not-for-profit organisations — locally and globally.

Nathan holds a Bachelor of Business, specialising in Management and Marketing, and an MBA from UWA.

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Communicating with influence, internally.


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