Twitter vs Threads: One or Both for Business?

By Seven Patterns

Seven Word Summary: Threads launches, Twitter reacts, Musk prompts rebrand.

You’d be forgiven if you rolled your eyes at the release of another social media app, another platform for your media managers to factor into their long list of content plans.

On July 6, Meta launched Threads, a platform rivalling Twitter that amassed over 30 million users within the first 24 hours of launch and over 100 million in the first week. In comparison, ChatGPT only reached one million users in the first five days, Facebook in 2014 took ten months to reach that mark.

So what exactly is Threads?

Does your business really need another social media platform?

Good question. Here’s our take…

What is Threads?

Threads is Instagram’s fresh take on rapid-fire conversations and status updates focusing on engagement through text, similar to Twitter. In starting your thread, you’re given 500 characters to express your ideas, it’s as simple as that. Threads can include links, photos and videos up to five minutes long. According to Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri, Threads is “less about text versus photos and videos and more about what public conversations you want to have.” In comparison, Twitter users are limited to 280 characters per tweet and 2 minutes and 20 seconds of video content.

Another Platform to Start Afresh?

Unlike other new social media apps, you don’t exactly start fresh with zero followers on Threads. If your business has an online presence through Instagram, Threads offers you an opportunity to leverage your network and translate followers across. When you set up your Threads account, you’re prompted to import your profile from Instagram. This will allow you to follow all the accounts you currently follow on Instagram.

Importantly, all your followers from Instagram are offered this feature, kickstarting your follower count from day dot. If you’re not on Twitter yet, the access to an established base of followers from Instagram makes Threads a more attractive platform for businesses new to both social media apps.

A New Opportunity for Engagement?

Whilst everyone is trying to work out the direction of Threads, an opportunity presents itself for businesses to experiment with their brand engagement.

Traditionally, businesses are pressured to provide high quality and engaging photo and video content across platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. However, Threads offers a simpler method of engagement through text. Right now, Threads is a playful platform for your business to test new engagement ideas and communicate with your audience in an informal setting without the exposure of traditional advertising. Currently, the accounts with the highest follower count and engagement are those brands offering a unique and quirky perspective of interacting with their audience.

Twitter on the other hand has recently shifted to a subscription tier model through ‘Twitter Blue’, giving users access to viewing unlimited tweets per day and other premium benefits. Twitter also allows advertising content, something that is currently not available on Threads and may be of value to your business.

The Verdict?

Only time will tell where Threads is heading and the long-term viability of the platform for business. There is always value in experimenting with new ways for your business to engage with target audiences, whilst understanding the importance of traditional advertising methods.

A New Era for Social Media?

The launch of Threads has poked the Twitter bear, with Elon Musk provoking the possibility of a complete rebrand to X. This indicates a new era for social media, and a more competitive landscape than ever before.

There appears to be method to this madness, with the rebrand prompting talk around an “everything app” through which Musk can once again take competition, with the likes of Mark Zuckerberg and Meta, to another level.

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