Nathan Keehan Nathan Keehan

Communicating with influence, internally.

When organisations consider their communications strategy and tactical roll-out, they typically prioritise external audiences. It’s very understandable. Customers, investors, the media and government are all quite naturally top of mind. There is, however, another very important piece to the puzzle that is too easy to overlook…

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Nathan Keehan Nathan Keehan

One thing the future of every organisation depends on.

At Seven Patterns, we practice what we preach. Our team is committed to a continual process of improvement — refining the focus of our organisation, to better serve yours. That’s why we undertook a collaborative process, sparking valuable learnings and important lessons for any leader, and leading us to three core components — with one thing critical to the future of every organisation.

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Nathan Keehan Nathan Keehan

2024/25 Budget Snapshot for Business

It’s that time of year, again — both the Federal Government and WA State Government handing down their respective budgets. Both budgets indicate a strong economic position in the short-term, focusing on easing cost of living pressures faced by households and businesses. “How will these budgets impact you and your business?” So glad you asked. Here’s our take…

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Nathan Keehan Nathan Keehan

Who you gonna call… when the media calls?

It is often said that public speaking is one of the greatest fears for many people. We could easily add another, not unrelated, phobia to the list: being interviewed by the media. So, in the famous words of Ghostbusters; who you gonna call… when the media calls? Better still — before the media calls? Read on.

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Nathan Keehan Nathan Keehan

The Increasing Influence of Social Media on Politics

Political campaigning is starting to heat up, again, in Australia and abroad — namely the United States. So, what can organisations like yours learn from the increasing influence of social media on politics? Read on.

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Nathan Keehan Nathan Keehan

The Mining Sector at a Crossroads

The mining sector stands at a crossroads, with a pivotal problem to be solved — how to ramp up operational production for energy transition, while simultaneously diminishing environmental footprint. This task comes with a backdrop of increasing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) pressures, calling for a transformative shift in the sector's operational activities.

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Nathan Keehan Nathan Keehan

Managing Media Interviews

Picture this: you are having a discussion with a friend. It turns out, you both share a similar point of view on whatever the topic is. You smile, nod along and – unsurprisingly – the conversation fizzles out fairly quickly. Now picture a different scenario…

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Knee Coal I Edgy Premium Web Designer Knee Coal I Edgy Premium Web Designer

Is AI Replacing Artists? A Website Designer's Perspective on the Impending Revolution

The AI model behind Midjourney is trained on vast datasets of existing images, allowing it to learn patterns, styles, and aesthetic preferences. It's important to note that while Midjourney (AI) can generate impressive and visually striking images, the creative process involves a collaboration between the tool and the user.

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Nathan Keehan Nathan Keehan

Twitter vs Threads: One or Both for Business?

On July 6, Meta launched Threads, a platform rivalling Twitter that amassed over 30 million users within the first 24 hours of launch and over 100 million in the first week. So what exactly is Threads? Does my business really need another social media platform to post on?

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Nathan Keehan Nathan Keehan

Putting the “bad news bias” to work for your organisation

We’ve all seen it, even if we perhaps haven’t given it too much thought. Switch on the TV news, head online to your favourite news site or pick up a newspaper and the story is the same: bad news rules. How can you work with bad news bias rather than fight against it and complain that no-one seems interested in your positive stories? 

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Nathan Keehan Nathan Keehan

Budget impacts on Business

On May 9, Treasurer Jim Chalmers delivered the Federal Budget responding to the immediate global challenges with the task of setting Australia up for a better future. Coincidentally only two days later, former WA Premier and Treasurer Mark McGowan handed down the State Government’s sixth consecutive surplus, heavily supported by strong export growth.

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Nathan Keehan Nathan Keehan

Traditional Media vs Digital Marketing

Depending on who you talk to, traditional media is ‘dead’ and digital marketing is the only ‘smart’ thing to do. But like everything in life, it’s not that simple.

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Nathan Keehan Nathan Keehan

The Seven Patterns of AI

Everyone is talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI). We often say there are patterns everywhere — seven types in fact. But did you know there are Seven Patterns in AI? Read this timely and topic piece from Forbes…

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Nathan Keehan Nathan Keehan

Where Leadership meets Marketing

In the first week of December 2022, the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) came to Perth, and here are some lessons that came from managing such a major event.

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Nathan Keehan Nathan Keehan

Federal Budget Matters, One month on

Treasurer Jim Chalmers delivered Labor’s first budget in almost a decade, outlining a plan to tackle the ongoing cost of living and inflation crisis. “Why does the Federal Budget matter to me and my business?”

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Nathan Keehan Nathan Keehan

The Value of Internal Comms in Mining

Across the mining landscape, there are many stakeholders, some working in remote operations whilst others completing their daily tasks in the corporate head office. It can be hard to communicate succinctly to those working across this broad and varied landscape.

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Nathan Keehan Nathan Keehan

Five weeks on, Five outcomes

The Jobs and Skills Summit delivered five outcomes, intended to address the economic challenges and opportunities facing the economy and labour market. “What came of it?” Good question. Here’s our take…

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Knee Coal I Edgy Premium Web Designer Knee Coal I Edgy Premium Web Designer

The Story behind Seven Patterns

With seven naturally occurring and constant patterns at the heart of everything we see, touch and do; we knew we were onto something. “What’s the story behind Seven Patterns?” — so glad you asked…

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